How to market yourself as a performer

How to market yourself as a performer
Jane Rooney
March 2024

Lights, camera, You may have the sparkle and pizazz part of being a performer down, but what about marketing yourself? First things first, before you can market yourself, you need to know what your goals are. Do you want a contract with a big company? Be prepared to go through some sort of audition process. Are you looking to book more corporate gigs? Consider looking into local entertainment companies as a resource. Or maybe you're just wanting to gain more online visibility...whatever your goal may be, we're here to share some tips and tricks to bring marketing yourself to the next level! 

  • Have an online presence! 
    • Whether through social media or a website, having an online presence is important. This gives clients a chance to see YOU!
    • Your website doesn't need to be anything fancy, but it's a great way to share videos and photos of your performance. 
  • Create a Google business page to generate Google reviews.
    • Google reviews are a testament to the quality of services you offer. The more positive reviews you have, the higher Google will place your search results.
    • The higher you rank in Google search results, the more you'll be seen by potential clients!
    • After performances, ask your clients for reviews and testimonials to increase your reputability.
  • Have a FULL performance video. 
    • Teasers and chopped performance reels can be helpful, but have a full performance video helps your client see exactly what they're getting. 
  • Get high quality photos.
    • While this may not always be possible, having high quality photos can elevate yourself as a professional performer.
    • These can be from a performance or even just a specialized photoshoot.
  • Participate in festivals. 
    • Festivals can lead to varying levels of exposure, depending on the size and location. 
    • Participating in festivals can open up networking opportunities with those already in the industry.
    • More importantly, festivals can give you high quality footage and photos of your act! 
    • Beware of how many festivals you're doing and the cost to go to them to make sure they're worth your while.
  • Network, network, network! 
    • Get involved with your local community. 
    • Google search. 
    • Use SIA's Act & Merchant Finder. 
    • Participate at festivals. 
  • Advertise ALL of your skills, not just those within your specialty. 
    • What makes YOU stand out in comparison to someone "just like" you?
      • Are you an aerialist who also has ground skills? Maybe you're a performer and a makeup artist! 
    • Clients DO want well-rounded performers, too.

Those looking to book your act want to be sure it will be a hit, so having a full performance video or high quality photos can help ease their worries, as can Google reviews! When looking to get your name out in your city, consider working with an entertainment company, and network with other artists. Build your community - if one performer can't do a gig they're offered, maybe your name will be dropped. Finally, consider participating in festivals and contests if it's in your budget: not only will you get invaluable feedback on your act, but you may even get professional photos or a video, along with more exposure, out of it!

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